Sick to Death Disco

Sick to Death Disco DJs are PaulKeith, StuartKino, MarnyKino and Sian. We DJ a fair bit round Derby and places...

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Vaults RIP, Closing Night 24/03/07

Just a few pictures here from the last ever night at The Vaults, taking by Bibamatt, I'm too upset to type anything else.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sick to Death Disco 09/03/07

Gave Marny the camera to take some pics, as warned he successfully failed in this task, what he did take are here.

The Vaults are closing their doors on the Sunday 25th March, we are all going down for a final send off. Im gonna miss that hole...

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Sick to Death Disco 02/03/07

Probably my favourite night so far this year, really busy, good requests, lots of dancing and still mega cheap. Well good.

No pics this week (apart from the two above). Two rooms open next Friday. Room 2 will be some kind of 80s, 90s, dance, classics, pop mix (I havent quite decided but it's just going to be a bit of fun). Still free entry from what we know hopefully staying that way for a good while too...